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Christine Pignona

Working with fiber has been an almost lifelong hobby for me. By trade, I worked in a wide variety of businesses for 40 years, but I have always had a craft by my chair. My introduction to fiber started when I was five years old and had the chickenpox. My mother taught me to knit so that I wouldn't bother her! She was a wonderful teacher for many fiber crafts. Over the years I learned to knit, crochet, do hairpin lace, hook rugs ... all using a wide variety of different kinds of yarns and fibers.

Never having known a weaver, I'm not sure how I found this new hobby. I began weaving in 2013 using just a fixed heddle loom. It seemed an easy and inexpensive way to try out the craft. Today my assortment of looms has grown to include a floor loom, a table loom, and two fixed heddle looms.

While working with the fixed heddle loom, I was primarily self-taught, taking just one lesson prior to beginning my weaving adventure. After a couple of years I attended a beginning weaving class at the Vermont Weaving school as a way of determining if I was interested in making the step up to the world of floor looms.  The class created an excitement in me that resulted in me ordering a floor loom before even completing the class. I continue to use my two fixed heddle looms as well as the floor loom and table loom generally having at least 3 projects in process at any given time. Every morning I wake up wondering what new thing I can try weaving! It has become the passion of my life.

© Milton Artists' Guild - P.O. Box 369, Milton, VT 05468 

Located in Milton Square behind the Milton Post Office
Gallery: 199 US-7 South, Milton, VT 05468, USA
(802) 891-2014

Hours: Monday-Saturday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
 Sunday 11:00am - 3:00pm
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