Matthew Duffy
Matthew Duffy has spent most of his life around a camera; his father, Gary Duffy, was an avid bird photographer and passed the bug along down to him. Between hours spent at the Sand Bar to traveling to a new pond adventure, many hours have been spent and logged waiting to try and get a good shot. Matt focuses on larger birds of prey, your neighborhood house birds, and the occasional landscape and wildlife animal thrown in; since marrying his wife Melissa Mitchell he has gained a new photography partner. Grabbing pictures of birds on the go became a lot easier with him now having a counterpart to adventure with and explore new places, and his opportunity to pass along what his dad had taught him over all these years was something pretty cool. You can check out his work and her work on her blog page that she started a few years ago and has now transitioned over into a place to display their work and who they are as people.